Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Dogs

agony auntGreetings Fellow Pekies,

We here at Sansaw Kennels hope that you have all had a good week, especially those of you who have just returned from vacation, as we know how hard it is to get back into work-mode after relaxing for a few weeks.

Today we once again continue with our series of articles covering various conditions to which Pekingese are generally prone, some of which are believed to be genetic or inherited, in more depth.

In today’s post we will cover a condition called Progressive Retinal Atrophy , which term covers several types of inherited degeneration (deterioration) of the retina.

The cells of the retina receive light stimuli from the external environment and transmit the information to the brain where it is interpreted to become vision. In progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), deterioration of the retinal cells causes blindness.


Everything You Need to Know About Pekingese Health

agony aunt

Greetings Fellow Pekies,

Pekingese are by and large healthy dogs, but they are also, like most breeds, prone to certain health conditions of which you should be aware.

Not all Pekingese will suffer from any of these conditions, but if you either own or are thinking of getting a Peke it is best that you know about them.

Firstly, find a good, licensed breeder who can give you a health history of both parents of your potential companion, as this will go a long way to ensure that your pup will be healthy too.

Of course this is not a guarantee, but at least without a family history of illness your dog should be better off.


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